The Bright Side.

16 Oct

Cue Monty Python music. Actually I’ve had a wonderful weekend. Both of Shawn’s shows went well. Saturday I met a slew of new knit bloggers and had a grand time. I had to leave early – the greasy food, sun, and a really bad folk singer all banded together to unsettle my stomach something fierce. I turned the heel on Wyvern. Then tonight I cooked up a storm. In the process though, I managed to back up the kitchen sink. I had forgotten my roommate’s warning that our garbage disposal can’t handle even one potato peel. Back-story, since we’ve moved in to this new place the garbage disposal went out, we’re on our third washing machine, and our second stove. I swear it’s nothing we’re doing! But come the third washing machine the landlord was convinced we were overstuffing it. (We aren’t!) There was a bit of an altercation, but we smoothed it over and he did get us a new machine. So when I killed the garbage disposal, the last thing I wanted to do was call him. I groaned and contemplated calling a plumber. I did not want the landlord to have any fuel against us. The bright side? Now I know how to clear out a clogged kitchen sink pipe. And really, it’s so not a big deal at all! Go me!

Edited to add more on the knit gathering: I didn’t circulate much, but I did get to talk to Julia and Meg and the blogless Snowden and Nancy.

Atendees included, but were not limited to:

Angie from I Stalk Knitters, Chris from skittermagoo!, Amy from Isaac Kniticus, Julia from Yarnmaven, Meg from wine me up, Caro from splityarn, Kristin from Yarn & Order, Jo from Half a Sheep, and Nanc from toys are good food. Kittens tempted us to take them home. Pictures were taken (though not by me). Much fun was had by all.


Posted by on October 16, 2006 in knitting, other bits of life


6 responses to “The Bright Side.

  1. caro

    October 16, 2006 at 9:44 am

    The sock is looking great! I wish I’d got a closer look on Saturday. (The bad music drove me out of there too) Good to meet ya!

  2. Julia

    October 16, 2006 at 10:40 am

    Don’t call a plumber for the disposal. Just holler at me. I installed my daughter’s when she bought a new house. It’s not that hard – I don’t repair, I just install. You can get a brand new one for 50 bucks. It was lots of fun on Saturday – and glad I got to meet you.

  3. Michelle

    October 16, 2006 at 11:45 am

    It’s cool to meet bloggers in real life, yes? So, to look on the bright side, I should be thankful for the subtle sense of fall here cause at least we got it! But, it must be warm there now I bet. I just started to feel that fall chill in the air… it makes me go sooooo slowww in the morning!

  4. Erin

    October 16, 2006 at 2:12 pm

    Wow, it does sound like you were busy this weekend. And I know how you feel. It’s always great to figure out how to fix something yourself!

  5. ellie

    October 16, 2006 at 4:29 pm

    Caro and Julia – Thanks! Good to meet you too!
    Michelle – Definitely!
    Erin – Yeah, I’ve had some proud handyman moments in this new place.

  6. Claire

    October 17, 2006 at 12:38 pm

    My favorite cure for a clogged up garbage disposal/ kitchen drain is to empty a bunch of digestive enzyme capsules into it and let that and the water break up the clog. But only after trying to take a plunger to it.
    WFM also sells an enzyme based powdered drain opener that works beautifully.


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