As promised.

03 May

The stash enhancement:

The large quantity of brown was purchased with Licorice Whip in mind. That said, I now see that Licorice Whip calls for Blue Sky Alpacas cotton and I just happen to have a somewhat poorly sized Something Red that might be ripe for a frogging. (Entirely my fault, not the pattern’s – it’s lovely!) So it might wind up some other long sleeved contraption. The orange reminded me of orange sherbet so I had to buy it. I’m thinking I’ll weave it and then find a way to work it into this Amy Butler patchwork bag pattern. The middle larger grey is for a woven scarf for Shawn. No idea on the pattern, so probably won’t be anytime soon. The purple and other grey are heavenly superfine bamboo from Habu textiles for a fancy two sided woven item for myself. I don’t really wear scarves, so I’m thinking headband. There’s actually tons there, so it may be a bit of lacework knitting too.

The knitting:

That’s my current progress on the Simple Shrug. I’m not usually one for shrugs, but I thought I had enough yarn for it (but not enough for a whole cardigan), and while I had been planning to use it for a vest or tank top, really, what I need is more variety in my cover-ups for when it’s freezing in the office. Also, the simplicity appealed to me and I needed a good traveling project and something I could work on while listening to speakers. The final selling point? If Lolly’s knitting it, you know it’s good. So I knitted all weekend. I’m definitely going to  run out of yarn though. I was thinking of frogging it and making narrower arms, but Shawn convinced me to just order more yarn, so that’s the plan.

And some gratuitous plant pictures:

See how wonderfully my avocado is coming along?! And I just love my mother in law’s tongue so much! Shawn laughs at me for how much I dote on all our houseplants and point out any little bit of new growth. But I know he loves it too. I’m bringing that rubber tree back from near death and it already has some lovely new shoots. The African mask plant that you can’t really see (between the mother in law’s tongue and the umbrella plant) just flowered and got a new leaf too! Yay spring. (Except for Parker Pug’s winter coat falling off all over the house…)


Posted by on May 3, 2007 in weaving


3 responses to “As promised.

  1. katie

    May 3, 2007 at 4:02 pm

    Wow, your avocado is really taking off now! I’m really enjoying seeing all the new leaves on my houseplants too. You’re not the only one. 🙂

  2. ellie

    May 4, 2007 at 10:20 pm

    🙂 Thanks!


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