Belated holiday wrap up

25 Feb

So I was cleaning off my computer desktop and realized I didn’t share any of my holiday photos. Time to remedy that. First up, mom’s presents. She had decided she needed a traveling hobby for conferences and car rides. She tried cross stitch first, then decided she wanted to learn how to knit. So she got stitchmarkers and thimbles and some patterns and some little felted bowls. The blue one is from the yarn I spun at Maker Fair and the purple one is from Miss Hawklet (leftovers from the mittens). I tried to make one from the yellow I spun at Maker Fair too, but I guess it wasn’t wool cause it didn’t so much work. It’s now a hat for one of my stuffed monkeys.


Next up, holiday meals! For Christmas my mom does a ham, so the veggies got fake Canadian bacon in the same brown sugar glaze. For New Years one must have pork (seitan) and sourkraut.

dinner1 dinner2 dinner3

The big thing that I did over the trip was to tackle my bedroom. It had become a storage space and I needed to claim my belongings so it could transform into a guest bedroom. I have pretty bad dust and mold allergies and had been getting sick every time I went home so my parents have gotten some air purifiers and kept me down on the more used and cleaned ground floor. So a mission to the upstairs required special equipment:


The mission was a complete success however. I now have all of my books (filed in LC order thank you very much) and other knick nacks all settled in Austin and mom is well on her way to clearing out all the clutter that wasn’t mine. Next up – convince my dad to put in wood floors instead of carpeting!


Posted by on February 25, 2008 in cross stitch and embroidery, other bits of life


4 responses to “Belated holiday wrap up

  1. Erin

    February 25, 2008 at 10:52 am

    I would love to have wood floors! I have major dust allergies too and can only imagine how much nicer it would be without all these carpets trapping those dust mites in!

  2. ellie

    February 25, 2008 at 12:13 pm

    Totally!! I have no idea why my dad is in love with carpeting!

  3. zach

    February 25, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    Was this shag carpeting? Because i think every dad has an unhealthy obsession with shag carpeting and Wood paneled walls.

  4. ellie

    February 26, 2008 at 1:17 pm

    Nope, not shag – puke pink short stuff. Supposedly shows dirt less…


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